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Tina Lechner, Anita Witek: Sisters in Crime

Duo Exhibition

Tina Lechner, Anita Witek

SISTERS IN CRIME is a project resulting from a collaboration between artists Tina Lechner and Anita Witek. It stems from their ongoing dialogue on themes of authenticity, copy and originality in a climate of image overload, oversaturation with AI-manufactured creations and a culture of appropriation without proper attribution. In today’s visual landscape, it is crucial to discuss the blurred lines between homage, inspiration and radical theft without consequence.

Specifically for this exhibition, Lechner and Witek have brought their artistic practices together to make a series that comments on these notions on a visual level. Both artists typically work independently of each other with culture-historical citations and mass-media references.

Wolfgang–Schmälzl–Gasse 19, 1020 Vienna