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Untere Augartenstr. 26/Top 27, 1020 Vienna

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  • Loggia was founded by Yves-Michele Saß and Stefan Fuchs in 2017. The name Loggia is referring to the architectural specifications of the venue, located inside a modernistic version of a Loggia as well as a nod to the city’s alternative Italian name – Monaco di Bavaria.

    Loggia is focused on artistic practices that deal with figuration and corporeality at the intersection of painting and sculpture. We are more interested in sensibility and intuition regarding space and material than in a specific theoretical or sociological context. Producing objects and a display in relation to the exhibition space is therefore often an integral part of the invited artistic practices. The annual program consists of up to six, mainly solo presentations while aiming for a balanced ratio between local and international artists. We completely trust invited artists, giving them Carte blanche in regards to their respective exhibition. For group exhibitions, Loggia’s curatorial approach is to unify heterogeneous objects into a harmonious experience that still manages to highlight each work by constructing distinct displays.

    In 2019 Loggia opened an additional exhibition space in Vienna. The space was located at Schelleingasse 44, 1040 Vienna. In 2022 Loggia Vienna relocated to Untere Augartenstraße 26, 1020 Vienna with the kind support of UA26 & Casandra Hermann.