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masc foundation

Grundsteingasse 40, 1160 Vienna

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  • masc foundation 39 dada are an artist group (Roland Schütz – Kurt Mayr – Richard Schütz – Arno Schmid †2016) which works intensively, since its opening in June 1999, on the integration of fine arts and their various expressions. Since the death of Arno Schmid (39dada) in June 2016 the art project is continued by masc foundation. For a long time, the Brunnenviertel, the area around the Viennese Brunnenmarkt in the 16th district, has been an ideal place of work and living for many artists. The artists of our association have come together here to find common possibilities of artistic expression and presentation. The advantages of the area are innumerable: the cosmopolitan social climate, the successful, multicultural mutual stimulation of the most varied cultures represent an ideal nurturing ground for the art, which always also intends to explore the human being in its expressions, desires, hopes and capabilities. Many members have lived and worked in this area for a long time.