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smart rainbow 7.0 (system)

Moving Image / Media
Duo Exhibition

Rainbow Team (Laurus Edelbacher & Anna Watzinger)

“smart rainbow 7.0 (system)” by Rainbow Team Laurus Edelbacher & Anna Watzinger is a multimedia and continuously evolving art (research) project, in which the error display/cursor of macOS computer systems (“rotating rainbow cursor”) serves as an interface to communicate the most urgent error of our times (global warming/climate change) through the prism/color spectrum of the rainbow, one of the most beautiful, poetic, artistically inspiring and scientifically (meteorological, physical, mathematical) fascinating phenomena and also a specific sociopolitically relevant symbol (rainbow colors).
#spinning/loading system #deep display #analysing deeper visual perception #sculpturing hacking #smart colors #7 x ref(r)act(oring)ing the beauty of errors #touch the beauty/error: be touched by beauty/errors to change your system colors #Seh(n)sucht #diverse liquid identities #choose your color mo(o)d(e) #rainbow all color nation #rainbow politics on 7 levels

Johnstrasse 25-27 R02/2, 1150 Vienna