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Herbert De Colle: Glow

Solo Exhibition

Herbert De Colle

Herbert De Colle moves sovereignly through the emblems and imagery of the last decades, although never with nostalgia—at most, with a carefully weighted dose of that yearning familiar to anyone who has been able to follow the romanticised highpoint of the more recent history of pop and youth culture with the distance of time and space. As an artist born in 1978, De Colle has a command of images, styles and references that were already historical when he discovered them for himself. He acts with the ambivalent knowledge of those who have seen how Imagine could be used to advertise a computer, but who nevertheless remember, even years later, how personally inspiring the lyrics could be. As a youth at the close of the 20th century De Colle found inspiration in the past. As a conceptual artist of the early 21st century he uses these references as raw material for the production of his own time.

Kunstraum am Schauplatz
Praterstrasse 42, 2. Innenhof, 1020 Vienna