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DAY 1: practicing embodied perspectives #2

Friday, 31.5., 14:00 - 18:00
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14.00 // MUSCLE MEMORIES // Elizabeth Ward (US/AT) // Workshop, 90’
In this workshop we’ll work with what is there, remembered in the body: fragments of daily actions, fragments of past dances, muscle memories shared and combined into new dances.

15.45 // HAZE // Flóra Boros (HU/AT) / Concept, performance, Dalma Sarnyai (HU/AT) / Live flute & Patrick Pazdzior (DE/AT) / Sound design // performance, 30’
HAZE is set in a disoriented state, blurring the boundaries between timelessness and non-linear perception. To cope with constant dizziness and the paradoxical sense of falling upwards, we’ll delve into self-soothing practices through textures, scents, and sounds, inviting the spectators to embrace various sensory experiences. HAZE becomes a performed research journey through a vulnerable state, where the multidimensional body operates very heavy and cool, accompanied by live flute meshed into electronic sounds.

16.30 NATURE IS A BEAST // Auto Affaire – Guus Diepenmaat (NL/BE), Kilian Jörg (AT), Victor Kössl (AT), Sandra Sieczkowski (AT) // Short film, 15’
The essayistic experimental film NATURE IS A BEAST examines the modern relation to the environment with a focus on the car. Shot in the national park Hohe Tauern, the film somatically explores our entanglement with lifeforms that make us desire solutions who are themselves part of the larger ecological problem. This film is motivated by the intuition that the problem of the car is not its exhaust fumes, but that it produces nature as a modern object of veneration. The film tries to approach the contradictions and unacknowledged collaborations of our modern souls in a sometimes hypnotic, sometimes humoristic manner and tries to shake what we cosmologically deem to be self-evident.

17.00 // DAILY HEART WORK // Anne Megier (FR/AT/IT) // Walk, 30-60’
A blindfolded expedition to in-between places and states, a chat with cobblestone, tree and U-Bahn rumble. When was the last time you held hands? In this short 40 min workshop I will be sharing my practice and we will experiment with tools from Authentic Movement and communication with our surroundings.

14.00–18.00 // FLY BABY FLY // Sissi Petutschnig (AT) // Sound installation, 2023.
MP3 player, Overear headphones, paper with poem, fan, iPad, felt, fly net. The buzzing of the mayfly becomes an atmospheric metaphor for mental health.

14.00–18.00 // urban jungle // Felix Kaya (AT) // Graffiti, Im_flieger LANDEBAHN, 2024.
Making the city green again – playful depictions of plant elements mixed with mineral’s dirt and city vibes.

Bräuhausgasse 40/Souterrain, 1050 Vienna

Friday, 31.5.