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Rituals of Resistance

Group Exhibition
Moving Image / Media

Rheremita Cera, Tetta and Va-Bene E K Fiatsi

The act of resistance is configured by various meanings. This program aims to show some of them through a selection of artistic works merging from different contexts and ending up bonded by the specific space, the PerfocraZe International Artist Residency -p IAR in Ghana. Considering the current political situation in Ghana, the space holds significant importance for both local queer artists and those beyond its borders. This ongoing crisis starkly reflects centuries of imposed colonial practices in the region. Now, the world is poised to witness from afar the severe dismantling of the most basic rights that queer people have fought hard to resist against oppression. The three artists are performers, and their installation comprises video documentation of their performances and video presentations, prompting the public to reflect on various topics, including ritual, resistance, white supremacy, colonialism, queerness, and feminism.

Maysedergasse 2, 1010 Vienna